Full Moon in Aquarius - 3D Vision Board


Full Moon in Aquarius 3D vision board

Hello and I hope you are having a calming and blessed Full Moon!

First an apology to my email subscribers!  The platform that the blog is hosted on is discontinuing the email subscription service.  Remain calm, I have found a replacement service.  And installed it today.  But, in my narrow focus I uninstalled the old one and installed the new one before the old service sent your email for yesterday's post.  I know its inconsistently slow.  Another reason why I needed to find a replacement sooner rather than later.  #giftindisguise  

Here is the link to yesterday's Full Moon In Aquarius reading.  
If you followed any of that...here is your gold star, you deserve it!

Today's post is me testing the new service and giving you something pretty to look at in the process.

Full Moon In Aquarius 3D Vision Board

Full Moon in Aquarius 3D Vision Board

To read the explanation and reading that accompanies these images, please visit yesterday's post.

Enjoy, Moonbeam.

p.s.  this is the first in a line of upgrades coming, I will try to be more thoughtful going forward.
