52 Weeks of Collage, Week 26



Is it just me or is it really hard to believe we are halfway through the year already?!!  
We started week 1 with very simply magazine cutouts and simple layouts.  

Week 1 Collage, Abundance

And at week 26, there is not a one magazine cutout image!  This week's collages is all about using all the hand colored papers, paints, stamps and gesso.   This weeks collage is full of color and texture. 

In the coming weeks we will do more with paint, stencils and handmade papers.  But also bring these two extremes more towards the middle while we each find our own happy medium.  Me, I love texture and mixing a wide variety of mediums together.  But that's not everybody's happy place and that's ok.  You can make simple, unique, expressive collages no matter where your happy medium is.  

Todays collage started with a highly textured mixed media background of variety of paper types glued down however the mood struck me.  And visually subdued with the magic of gesso.  The foreground circles are handpainted papers that were cut into various sized circles.

Week 26, Round

Till Next Week,
