Easy and colorful

acrylic skins

You've heard the phrase "great idea, poor execution" before, right?  I've been in that phase for a few days now, where the images in my head just will not materialize in real life.  So I decided to do something that is impossible to get wrong.  There is no wrong way to make acrylic skins and afterwards I can cut them up and use them as collage elements.   Acrylic skins is nothing more than dried acrylic paint, for real, that's all it is.  I created these using acrylic matt gel.  Acrylic mediums like matt or gloss gel and matt medium are simply the acrylic polymer that is the base of acrylic paints, without color added.  The larger white one is the matt gel with no color added.  And the brown blog and purple thingy were made by added acrylic paint to the matt gel.    Next spread it out onto something non stick suck as baking paper, waxed paper or silicone cutting mat.

These are cut pieces of acrylic skins as collage elements added to already multi-layered background.

Always in color,
